Thursday, June 17, 2010

I'm Hunting "Wabbits"

The rabbit is nibbling on my seed pack,
Snowball is eyeing Mr. Rabbit...

Friday, March 26, 2010


Polar Opposites
and bitter enemies 
sleeping peacefully
as Yin and Yang.

Meow for Now!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow is a GPS for Cats!

Snow is a GPS for the cats! 

It was fun to see where all my babies had been this morning!

As the sun broke over the horizon, more and more little prints dotted the scenery.  Each bird feeder had a trail up to it, around the base of it and on to the next!  The garden was visited several times (nature's litter box) and the little scoundrels even scoped out the dumpster!  It was like looking at one of those Family Circus cartoons I remember so well from the news paper!

The snow is waning fast and we are bracing for yet another wave of winter weather.  Needless to say, the cats do not stray far from home and are resting comfortably in front of the heater as we speak!

They both say, enough with winter weather.  We want fun in the sun but for now... good food, plenty of milk and water and this glorious heater are more than enough to get us through.  What happy, lucky cats we are!

Meow for Now!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Kittie camouflage!

Kittie Camouflage!

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Mr. Snowball takes a nap!

Now this is a happy kitty!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Now this is my kind of office help!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Gun Control from Barack Obama

Gun Control

Barack Obama at a recent rural elementary school assembly in East Texas asked the audience for total quiet.  Then, in the silence, he started to slowly clap his hands once every few seconds, holding the audience in total silence.

Then he said into the microphone, "Children, every time I clap my hands together, a child in America dies from gun violence."

Then, little Richard Earl, with a proud East Texas drawl, pierced the quiet and said:  "Well, dumb ass stop clapping!"

Meow for Now!